Pain will not last for ever but the damage is unpredictable

As a matter of fact, love is a disease. A curable or incurable disease. According to its symptoms it might have been categorized in auto-immune diseases because it derives from inside, its real cause is usually environmental, it is closely connected with our phychic schere and its prognosis depends on our flexibility skills and resistance in pain and suffering. Auto-immune diseases may lead to cancer and death. Auto-immune diseases may kill us, especially if they attack the patient many times during a lifetime. In the same way love may kill you: An unfullfilled love may damage your will to live, your power to work, your optimism and your potency for making plans and dreams for the future. Because an unfullfilled love may be catastrophic for our lives ( many people lost many years of life due to suffering from depression after an erotic disappointment) it would be wise not to create dead ends because we are too shy or too selfish to express our feelings. When two people who ...