Showing posts from 2011
Precautions for the use of Asian Ginseng
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The use of herbs is a time-honored approach to strengthening the body and treating disease. Herbs, however, contain components that can trigger side effects and interact with other herbs, supplements, or medications. For these reasons, herbs should be taken with care, under the supervision of a health care provider qualified in the field of botanical medicine. Asian ginseng may cause nervousness or sleeplessness, particularly if taken at high doses or when combined with caffeine. Other side effects are rare but may include: •High blood pressure •Insomnia •Restlessness •Anxiety •Euphoria •Diarrhea •Vomiting •Headache •Nosebleed •Breast pain •Vaginal bleeding To avoid hypoglycemia or low blood sugar, even in people without diabetes, take Asian ginseng with food. People with high blood pressure should not take Asian ginseng products without the close supervision of their doctor. People with low blood pressure, as well as those with an acute illness, should ...
What Dose of Resveratrol Should Humans Take?
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By Dr. Xi Zhao-Wilson, PhD In response to the many media reports about resveratrol, it seems like every supplement company is offering some form of grape complex for sale that claims to contain some resveratrol. Recent attention has focused on a publication in the journal Nature that demonstrated improved health and survival in mice fed a high-fat diet supplemented with resveratrol, the same flavonoid that has been shown to increase the life span of a variety of organisms, including yeast, worms, flies, fish, and mice.1-5 This research tied the beneficial effects of resveratrol to mechanisms that underlie caloric restriction, and showed that such approaches could be used to treat certain chronic disorders and diseases of aging. However, some popular press reports that accompanied this scientific article generated a fair amount of controversy, especially related to the dose used in the experimental mice and the estimated human-equivalent dose that may be required to exert the same...
Keenan Cahill lipsinging "I like it like that" - Hot Chelle Rae
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Modern Talking - Album 'You are not alone"- Track: "Sexy Lover"
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Modern Talking - You're My Heart, You're My Soul (Live M6 Hit Best Of France 1998)
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Modern Talking - Brother Louie Rapmix 98 (Alternative Video)
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Why Breakfast Is Key to Weight Loss -A healthy breakfast makes it easier to lose weight. And there are other benefits, like better concentration, more strength, and greater endurance.
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????????????? A healthy breakfast makes it easier to lose weight. And there are other benefits, like better concentration, more strength, and greater endurance. By Heidi Tyline King Medically reviewed by Pat F. Bass III, MD, MPH Print Email Looking for evidence of the health benefits of breakfast? According to researchers at the University of Florida, children who ate breakfast consistently generally consumed more calories each day but were less likely to be overweight. The same study also indicated that eating breakfast may improve memory, test scores, and school attendance. Not Just for Kids: The Importance of Breakfast After a night without food, your body needs refueling to get through the next day. "Think about the word 'breakfast,'" says Tallahassee, Fla.-based dietitian Evette O'Connor, MS, RD. "It literally means to 'break your fast,' the 8 or 10 hours your body has gone without food. When you don't eat breakfast, your body has t...
10 Breakfasts that defy hunger
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Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. This is especially true for dieters who will find it easier to manage their weight and stay on track with a start to the morning that’s high in nutrition. The trick, however, is making smart choices. “A healthy breakfast should be a variety of foods like whole grains, low-fat protein or dairy sources, and fruit,” says Andrea Gorman, MS, RD, manager of clinical nutrition at Rhode Island Hospital/Hasbro Children’s Hospital in Providence. “All these food groups provide complex carbohydrates, protein, and a small amount of fat. This combination of nutrients can delay hunger symptoms and keep you feeling full throughout the day.” Here are some ideas to get your day started right: 1. Build on a healthy cereal. Top a high-fiber cereal with a sprinkle of granola, bananas, and low-fat milk or plain yogurt. This combination provides good fiber and protein intake, plus calcium and potassium. 2. Get off to a berry good start. Anot...
DEMIS ROUSSOS & PETULA CLARK - From Souvenirs To Souvenirs
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Παναγία Γοργοεπήκοος
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Πήγαμε χτες βράδυ στη Νέα Ιωνία, στο Μοναστήρι της Παναγίας Γοργοεπήκοου ήτανε πολύ κατανυκτικό το περιβάλλον, είχε πολύ κόσμο από διάφορες περιοχές, δεν έχω ξαναπάει θρησκευτική εκδρομή στη ζωή μου, μου άρεσε πολύ και θα ήθελα να ξαναπάω κάποια μέρα ήτανε πολύ όμορφη εμπειρία. Το μοναστήρι αυτό γιορτάζει και σήμερα.
English Video Lessons - Learning How to Speak English
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David Guetta feat Flo Rida & Nicki Minaj - Where Them Girls At
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Superman Cartoons
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This collection of early Superman cartoons from the 1940s follows the iconic Man of Steel -- and his bespectacled alter ego, Clark Kent -- through an array of classic adventures and romantic run-ins with his lady love, Lois Lane. From his extraordinary boyhood in Smallville to his adult life as a seemingly ordinary newsman to his battles with a variety of villains, it's animated escapism at its best.
Julio Iglesias - Me olvide de vivir - letra de la canción
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H άρνηση της υπάρξεως του διαβόλου είναι μεγάλη βλασφημία κατά του ιδίου του Θεού
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H ανθρωπότης ολόκληρος μαστίζεται από θεωρίας πολλών ειδών. Ταλαιπωρείται από συστήματα φιλοσοφικά, υλιστικά, ορθολογιστικά κ.ο.κ. Από αυτά τα συστήματα εκπηγάζουν συμπεράσματα, αποφάσεις, γνώμαι. Άλλα εξ αυτών χαρακτηρίζουν την πάλη της συνειδήσεως ως έλεγχο, που προέρχεται από κάποια σύγκρουσιν του αγαθού και του κακού. H αμαρτία δια τα φιλοσοφικά αυτά συστήματα είναι απαράδεκτος. Εάν δε καταλήξουν στην απόφαση παραδοχής της αμαρτίας αποφαίνονται, ότι είναι άσκηση της ελευθέρας βουλήσεως του ανθρώπου. Να πράξη δηλαδή, το καλόν ή το κακόν. Άλλοτε όμως διατυπώνουν άλλη θεωρία και δεν παραδέχονται την ύπαρξιν του κακού. Το κακόν λέγουν, δεν υπάρχει. Όλος ό κόσμος είναι καλός! Τέλος καταλήγουν, αφού διαπιστωθεί ή ύπαρξης και το μέγεθος του κακού, ότι ή παρουσία του αγαθού και του κακού έχουν την ιδίαν πηγή. Ως συμπέρασμα όλης αυτής της αλλοπρόσαλλης θεωρίας είναι ή άρνηση της υπάρξεως του διαβόλου. Πονηρά πνεύματα λέγουν και διάβολος και σατανάς, δεν υπάρχουν. Επίσης ισχυρ...
Daily Pill Protects Against HIV Infection
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Taking a daily antiretroviral pill greatly lowers the risk of being infected with the AIDS-causing virus HIV, according to a study that included nearly 2,500 gay men in six countries. The researchers said their finding could mark a major advance in the battle against AIDS, The New York Times reported. The group of participants assigned to take the antiretroviral drug Truvada daily were 44 percent less likely to become infected with HIV than those who took a placebo. However, the pill was more than 90 percent effective when the researchers focused only on men whose blood tests showed they took the pill every day, The Times reported. The study appears Tuesday in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Άγιος Κυπριανός και Αγία Ιουστίνη
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Ότι πιο ενδιαφέρον έχω διαβάσει πρόσφατα είναι ο βίος του Αγίου Κυπριανού και της Αγίας Ιουστίνης. Είναι πραγματικά θαυμάσιο να βλέπεις πως ένας τόσο μορφωμένος και έξυπνος και επιτυχημένος μάγος της εποχής του έγινε Χριστιανός. Οι δε ευχές του Αγίου Κυπριανού, είναι κάτι μοναδικό και ανεπανάληπτο γιατί ο Άγιος δείχνει στο διάβολο ένα "ιδιότυπο σεβασμό" ποιόν; αυτόν με τον οποίο ο Χριστός διατάζει το διάβολο να αποχωρήσει και εκείνος υπακούει γιατί γνωρίζει καλά ποιά είναι η θέση του. Ο "σεβασμός" που αποκομίζει ο διάβολος είναι η αναγνώριση μέσα στις ευχές ότι ο διάβολος υπάρχει, ότι ο διάβολος ακούει τις ευχές και ότι είναι επικίνδυνος. Όμως η εντολή που παίρνει από το Θεό είναι να φύγει. Και ο πιστός Χριστιανός αποδεικνύεται πιο δυνατός από το διάβολο που είναι ο θεός του κακού "με ένα κόκκο σινάπεως πίστη" στον Κ.Ι.Η.Χριστό, όπως λέει στο Ευαγγέλιο ( Κατά Ματθαίον ιζ 14-21).
The Promise - Michael Nyman ( From the movie "The piano")
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Ο Σταυρός του Χριστού - Υάκινθος
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Τί σχέση έχουν αυτά τα δυό; Αυτό είναι το μεγάλο μυστικό της πνευματικής μας ζωής. Ο Σταυρός του Χριστού φανερώνει τη σχέση του ανθρώπου με το Θεό ως σχέση υπακοής, διότι ο μαθητής του Χριστού, αυτός που βλέπει τον Θεό σαν πατέρα του, έχει υποχρέωση να γνωρίζει ποιές είναι οι εντολές του και να τον υπακούει. Πριν έρθει ο Χριστός στον κόσμο, πριν ο Θεός γίνει άνθρωπος, αυτό ήταν πάρα πολύ δύσκολο. Σχεδόν αδύνατο. Ο προφ. Ησαίας που μας μιλάει γι΄ αυτό το μεγάλο μυστήριο, το μυστήριο του Σταυρού του Χριστού, πριν έρθει ο Χριστός στον κόσμο και πριν σταυρωθεί, λέει: "Κύριε, τίς επίστευσεν τη ακοή ημών και ο βραχίων Κυρίου τίνι απεκαλύφθη;"- "Ποιός μπόρεσε να υπακούσει σ΄ αυτά που εμείς λέμε, σ΄ αυτά που εμείς οι προφήτες, τα στόματα του Θεού, εξαγγέλουμε ότι είναι το θέλημα και οι εντολές του Θεού; Ποιός μπόρεσε να υπακούσει σ΄ αυτά, ποιός μπόρεσε να τα τηρήσει;"- "Και ο βραχίων Κυρίου τίνι απεκαλύφθη;"- Και σε ποιόν φανερώθηκε η δύναμη του Θεού;" .Για...
I believe in you - Il Divo & Celine Dion (with lyrics)
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Μην ξεχνάτε να φοράτε το σταυρό σας !!! Παντού και πάντα!!!
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Δέκα Μικροί Μήτσοι- "Θα μου πάρουν το μπλουζάκι το μωβ!"
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African Tonic (GET UP ) - Big Ali ft Jessy Matador & Awa Imani & Mokobé
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Να φύγετε - Να πάτε αλλού - Κι εμείς παίζαμε μαντολίνο!!!
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I finally chose the Bodyxclusive Gym for the summer - it is good and not expensive!
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Yesterday I took my cash card with me for taking money and go to the new gym but the card didnt work and I went back home because I didnt have the money to pay the gym! Today my cousin told me about the "Bodyxclusive" gym, Panagi Tsaldari 22, Neapoli, close to the church of Saint George. I phoned and asked about the subscription-40 Euros they said- fine I said ( no registration, at last ). Do you have an elliptical machine? Yes we have. Fine. I went today and because today it was too hot my mother was shouting at me "You will die from the heat". But I wanted to see if their air conditioning works. So I went today at about 8 pm. It was perfect - not at all hot. A smaller space for the fitness area about 100 sf but wooden floor, nice colours on the walls, modern decoration and good machines. The elliptical machine was quite good but the one in the public gym is better. Their treadmills are better ( pulse meter, and strong machines, no silly messages on the screen ...
Relaxation ≈ Waves: RELAX Best CARIBBEAN BEACH #3 Ocean Waves + Relaxing Nature Sounds
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Relaxing Nature Scenes: The Sounds of the ocean "Relaxing Nature Sounds"
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Treat yourself to a good night's sleep with the nature sounds of gentle ocean waves on a beach. This nature sound features sounds that help calm your mind so that you can sleep better and wake more refreshed. The sounds of continuous ocean waves on a beach are perfect for stress reduction, relaxation and insomnia. The sounds of ocean waves can be part of a wonderful routine that has been proven to help adults and babies fall asleep easier and sleep through the night better. The calming water sounds are both soothing and gentle, which helps your body drift away to restful sleep.
My new gym for the summer - At last I found one!
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It was terrible to be without a gym during summer. Yesterday I didn't go for gym ( the public gym on Riga Ferraiou str. is closed now) and I was very bored. The public open ( for the summer) gym in Neapoli, Thessaloniki, does not have an elliptical machine, so it is not good for me. I asked some friends and they told me that my only chance to find a gym open during summer was to go to the center of Thessaloniki. But if you spend 2 hours or so for your transfer to and from the gym, then refreshment & well-being is gone. So, I searched again close to my house today, and yes! I found one gym, expensive but good ( 70 Euros per month). Temperature, one of the 3 important things for me was just perfect ! OASIS!!! A perfect air-conditioned space of 600 sf. where summer is not there!!! The second thing I asked was about the elliptical machine. "May I try it?" I said. Yes! It was perfect! New machine- perfect sense when you are "driving" it... And third, how clos...
Pilates vs. Yoga: Which One Burns More Calories?
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Both of these exercises are great ways to get in shape. But when it comes to calories burned, do you know which one gives you the bigger bang for your buck? Pilates exercises engage the mind and the body. Through low-impact mat exercises, beginners focus on flow, body awareness, breathing techniques, and fundamental movements. Benefits include stronger abs and increased core strength. Enter your current weight and duration to estimate the number of calories you can burn performing this activity:
Your best weapon again weight gain
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Weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight are generally good for your overall health and well-being and can help prevent common illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes, according to medical researchers. My Calorie Counter is an online diet journal that can help you find nutrition facts and count calories in the foods you're eating and calories you're burning by engaging in fitness and exercise activity, such as swimming, walking, jogging, and weight training. For many people, looking up nutrition facts and counting calories in fitness activities is a good weight loss strategy and diet plan that can help maintain weight loss over time. Using a food and fitness calorie-counting tool like My Calorie Counter streamlines the process of keeping an online diet journal of calories eaten and calories used in exercise and fitness activities. By connecting with other My Calorie Counter members through blogs and forums, many people who are trying to lose weight and maintain a he...